Welcome to the Paragon Podcast. On January 1st of 2020 the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act went into effect. The SECURE Act represents the most sweeping set of changes to retirement legislation in more than a decade. While many of the provisions offer enhanced opportunities for individuals and small business owners, there is one notable drawback for investors with significant assets in their IRAs. Hit the play button to learn more about how the SECURE Act affects your IRA and future estate plan

Author Paragon Financial Partners Posted on
Author: Paragon Financial Partners
Paragon Financial Partners, Inc. is a Registered SEC Investment Advisor. The topics discussed herein are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a solicitation or offer to purchase or sell any securities. The financial strategies and guidelines discussed herein may not be appropriate for everyone as each individual circumstance is unique. Please review all tax information with your tax professional. Please review all legal information with your legal professional. If you have any questions or would like to speak with us, please contact us by phone at (310) 557-1515 or by email at [email protected]. View all posts by Paragon Financial Partners